Monday, 1 April 2013

Ummmm Me Lookyzzz

Hola panda's,
Me saved now no one can hk meh YAY so itz now normal me coz i hav a dif pas IN UR FACE KAMMY! hehe soz soo i just wanted to show u guyz my old luks coz i was BORED on panfu xP so here r em xD.

EWWWW i luk rlly ugleh xo OMG i dunt wanna c this seriously

Bettr xP i am not a member on this if u were wonderin i luk kinda cute. xP

This is where i get nerdy xP look at meh nerdy glasses dey luk like sunglasses wif out the glass in xD i wasnt a member as well (must of luved the culur blue xP)

This is wif my membership wen i got cool like i was like xD UR WEIRD and stuff xP lol

AWSHUMMM me now xP


  1. Cool Outfits Rainbow XD

  2. By The Way I'm Feeding Your Hamster Harry Hes Cute And I Neva Knowed That They Love Strawberries! O..O XDD

  3. Hi Rainbowrosie2 Camed To Say Did Ya Liked April Fool's Day And Did You Pranked Somebody In Your Family In Real Life? xD I Guess Yes Because I Tricked My Sister Whit Telephone Telling That She Has a Boyfriend XDD!
