Friday, 29 March 2013


Okay, as everyone knows i have got my account back! But my dad has to log her in on the email T.T how much longer do i have to wait?! Anyway Max and Ella u no the reporters of panfu hav a rlly good easter pic and its rlly COOLIO i printed it out and it luks rlly awshum CX here it is

LOL wen u print it out it luks xtra cool i am gonna colour it in and i am gonna put it on my bedroom door CX well i will put on it happy easter. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant wait to eat my choco easter eggs ;) LOOOL



  1. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL RAINBOWROSIE2 U ACC IS BCK YAAAAAAAAAAY HUGS 100 TIMES!!! Oh By The way I'm Blocked on panfu for 1 day I'll tellie ya how! I was trying to write my blog on my profile and ma prof was blocked 30 and me for 1 day i writed on my blog bout these idiots panfu moderator's! By the way i writed my blog again bout news i got 4 gifts and easter bunny said i collected all the eggs 4 gifts were Easter chick wif easter bunny ears, bunny, sneezing sad flower 'big' and bunny ears for u clothing by the way i writed bout orc furniture on my blog too and i'll write bout u coming bck YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY

  2. Forgoten To Say I'll be On Until 18:50 or 19:10 You'll See By the way i was blocked yesterday for 1 day not today
